Wednesday, May 25, 2011

1970 Triumph Bonneville Modifications

The Kestrel

"The Kestrel"made by Falcon Motorcycle, a modification of the motor home in England, was originally a motorcycle under the brand Triumph Bonneville output in 1970, with severe damage to the gearbox.

The Kestrel

Solution of the Falcon Motorcycle is to cut and remove the part, and proceed with the redesign the entire machine, then create a framework from the outset to adapt it to form a new machine, and has artistic value and beauty as appropriate.

The Kestrel

With the exception of some important parts will be retained and used after diperbaiku. such as crankcases, transmission BSA, and Triumph genuine headlights-shaped shell with a size of 10 inches, then all other components - including the frame, front forks, gas tank, engine oil tank, exhaust, handlebars, levers stater, and even home-cylinder - made ​​with the process lathe and fabricated by Falcon Motorsport own.

Every element of design, from the handle bars to the stamping feet, drawn by hand by Ian with mengdepankan value function without reducing the value of art and beauty, and then dibubut using lathe work by his colleagues, Scott and Troy.

The Kestrel

The Kestrel

The Kestrel

The Kestrel

The Kestrel

The Kestrel

The Kestrel


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1970 Triumph Bonneville Modifications

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